The Secret to Writing Your Goals in Life

After having a very enlightening and insightful discussion and training with my mentor, I finally struck upon the best and most effective way to establish and write personal goals. I know you may have read hoot to develop and write goals many times but this is the most unique and functional method I have ever run across.


Let me start by saying, what do you really want out of life? I know that sounds like an overwhelming and loaded question, but it can be dealt with if you simply break the components down into workable elements.

I found that I really like the SMART system. It is a proven method of defining and developing goals. Use these guidelines to identify and write your goals.

S – Specific: M – Measurable: A – Attainable: R – Relevant: T – Timetable-able:

I’m sure you can already tell where I’m going with this but bear with me and I will walk you through an explanation and you will quickly see the simple steps involved in writing goals.


Specific – Precisely identify your why. Your why is a primary motivator in your quest to obtain your worthwhile goals. It is what you are passionate about. It may be financial, spiritual, health, material, etc. For example, if your goal is financial, what “exact amount” do you want to earn and, most importantly, what will it provide? I learned the hard way when I first developed my goals; I actually had no specific financial amount listed. Thus, it begs the question, how much did I wish to achieve? If your goal has to do with weight reduction, “how much” do you wish to take off and what size will you wear? The more specific you are the better your mind will be able to grasp the concept and achieve your goal. If you’re goal is to buy a car–know the color, make, model, options and all the details of the exact car you want. Visualize what you desire by taking time in feeling you have already achieved it. How do you feel now that you have achieved your goal? Get emotionally involved with the result. Your subconscious, meaning your mind, will believe whatever you tell it, real and imagined. It can’t tell the difference, nor does it care. Goals can only be accomplished when coupled with serious emotional feeling. Your subconscious communicates by